Phoenix Dental Care is a leading dental practice in Weymouth, dedicated to providing high-quality, preventative and restorative dental treatments in a relaxed and friendly environment. Our team of expert dentists combines expertise with a comforting atmosphere, ensuring a tailored approach to your oral health. We offer a range of services, including general dentistry, restorative dentistry, periodontal treatment, extractions, emergency treatment, cosmetic dentistry, and facial aesthetics. Our patients' personal wellbeing and happiness is at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to providing exclusive, one-on-one attention to your dental needs. With a team of carefully selected professionals, we work with you to ensure that you receive the treatment that is right for you.
The reviewers praised the professionalism, care, and excellent service provided by the dental team, making them feel at ease and recommending the practice to others.
One reviewer had a negative experience, citing problems with their teeth and face pain after treatment.